It’s not a totally original idea, but I hope my bro-quet wins points for impressive execution free solitaire. This post from my personal blog, Formal Fringe, shows what happens when a creative girl runs out of ideas. She makes a lush and manly bouquet of candy, snacks and booze youtube filmsen mac.

“Guys have it so easy: Buy flowers, sign a card, rinse and repeat.”

The post is a how-to for readers on constructing their own strong and sturdy bro-quet, so the meat of the piece (besides beef jerky) is a detailed list of materials and instructions englisch hörbuch kostenlos downloaden. It was a challenge getting a from-scratch manual process down on paper, but I guess it’s worked. Readers love to email, share and pin the bro-quets they’ve made with my direction barcode 128 download kostenlos.


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Formal Fringe


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March 4, 2013